Packages & Programmes
Autoimmune Packages are 100% personalised, consisting of a 1.5hr initial consultation, personalised dietary & lifestyle plans, and personalised supplement recommendations. The plan addresses any nutrient deficiencies and dietary imbalances that may be contributing to your symptoms, with a focus to reduce any pain and inflammation, and regulate immune function.
Health Programmes can be completed individually or organise a group with family or friends. Based on targeted dietary & lifestyle plans, supplement protocols, and information packs, they can be tailored to suit individual needs if appropriate.
Packages and Programmes should be completed within the specified time frame for optimum results.
Each appointment is explained in more detail here Consultations
To discuss the different packages & programmes, and your individual needs, please book your Free 20 Minute Consultation.
Please be advised that some Private Health Cash Plan providers recognise CNHC registration for reimbursement for certain Health & Wellbeing/Complementary Therapies such as Nutritional Therapy, Reflexology, Hypnotherapy, Sports Massage etc.
6 Week Autoimmune Kickstart Package
A perfect introduction if you are new to nutritional therapy, helping to identify the root cause of your autoimmune disease, with the aim to reduce symptoms, allowing the healing process to begin.
Package Includes:
Assessment Tools: Registration Form, Medical Symptoms Questionnaire, Toxin Exposure Questionnaire
Drug/nutrient Interaction Check
1.5 Hour Initial Virtual Consultation
30 Minute Report of Findings Call
Personalised Dietary & Lifestyle Plan
Personalised Supplement Recommendations
Information Handouts
Weekly e-mail support available
30 Minute End of Package Follow Up Call
Appointments to be taken within 8 weeks
Please note, recommended nutritional supplements and functional tests are not included in the price
12 Week Autoimmune Recovery Package
Allowing you to delve deeper, helping to identify and overcome the root cause of your autoimmune disease, with the aim to reverse symptoms and heal the body.
Package Includes:
Assessment Tools: Registration Form, Medical Symptoms Questionnaire, Toxin Exposure Questionnaire
Drug/nutrient Interaction Check
1.5 Hour Initial Virtual Consultation
30 Minute Report of Findings Call
Personalised Dietary & Lifestyle Plan
Personalised Supplement Recommendations
Information Handouts
45 Minute Follow Up Virtual Consultation
Modified Dietary & Lifestyle Plan
Modified Supplement Recommendations
Weekly e-mail support available
30 Minute End of Package Follow Up Call
Appointments to be taken within 14 weeks
Please note, recommended nutritional supplements and functional tests are not included in the price
2 Week Health Reset Programme
(including cost of supplements £177.61*)
Please note this Package is not suitable if you are trying to conceive, pregnant, breast feeding or undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
To reduce toxin exposure & support liver clearance pathways aiding the elimination of toxins. This package is a great place to start your health journey. It can help to cleanse the body, increase vitamin and mineral absorption, reduce symptoms of toxicity, clear the skin and aid weight loss while improving cellular health and mitochondrial function. Clients have reported improvements in all body systems including increased energy, clearer skin, improved memory & concentration, better mood, deeper sleep, and reduced body aches.
Package Includes:
Assessment tools: Registration Form, Medical Symptoms Questionnaire, Toxin Exposure Questionnaire
Drug/nutrient Interaction Check
20 Minute Report of Findings Call
Practitioner Grade Supplements
Food List
Recipe Pack
Menu Planners
Information Handouts
Weekly e-mail support available
20 Minute End of Programme Follow Up Call
Appointments to be taken within 3 weeks
*supplement price subject to change from manufacturer
Please note, functional tests are not included in the price
6 Week Gut Healing Programme
(including cost of supplements £174.38*)
Restore healthy gut function using the 5R functional medicine.
Package Includes:
Assessment tools: Registration Form, Medical Symptoms Questionnaire, Toxin Exposure Questionnaire, IBS Symptoms Questionnaire
Drug/nutrient Interaction Check
20 Minute Report of Findings Call
Practitioner Grade Supplements
Food List
Recipe Pack
Menu Planners
Information Handouts
Weekly e-mail support available
20 Minute End of Programme Follow Up Call
Appointments to be taken within 8 weeks
*supplement price subject to change from manufacturer
Please note, functional tests are not included in the price
4 Week Perimenopause Programme
(including cost of supplements £157.68*)
Specifically designed to balance hormones and support the female body as it transitions into the menopause. This 4 week program provides a 360 degree approach - looking beyond the sex hormones to other body systems and lifestyle factors that can impact your experience. It is suitable for all women over 40 whether perimenopausal or menopausal.
Package Includes:
Assessment tools: Registration Form, Medical Symptoms Questionnaire, Toxin Exposure Questionnaire, Perimenopausal and Menopausal Symptoms Questionnaire
Drug/nutrient Interaction Check
20 Minute Report of Findings Call
Practitioner Grade Supplements
Food List
Recipe Pack
Menu Planners
Information Handouts
Weekly e-mail support available
20 Minute End of Programme Follow Up Call
Appointments to be taken within 5 weeks
*supplement price subject to change from manufacturer
Please note, functional tests are not included in the price